At McPherson Corporation we live with the commitment that we have a fiduciary responsibility to our Clients. One cannot serve two masters. We believe that we have a legal and moral obligation to serve the needs of our clients, and that this fiduciary relationship requires confidentiality, competence, care, obedience, accountability, full disclosure, and undivided loyalty to serve those who place their trust in us. We dedicate ourselves to the following codes:
Only represent the fiduciary interests of Tenants or Buyers. Never represent the interests of Landlords, Developers or their underlying Lenders.
Always do what is in the best interest of the client and deliver undivided loyalty above the needs of all others, including our own. We believe that this approach has created and will continue to create long lasting and reciprocal relationships upon which we base our business.
All proprietary information and strategic discussions regarding motivation, terms, or value with our clients shall remain confidential unless our client instructs us to divulge such information as deemed appropriate during the course of negotiations. All such information shall be held in strictest confidence regardless of whether a transaction has been completed or not.
All clients shall have the benefit of competent, thoughtful, diligent, and creative representation. McPherson Corporation commits to having principles of the firm involved in all client transactions, and further promotes the continuing education of all principles with dedication to becoming an industry leader in the development and application of new technologies and methods of business that promote our client's needs and interests.
In all business dealings and practices we will commit to full disclosure of any potential conflict, and will be accountable for resolution of any conflict encountered.
Only represent the fiduciary interests of Business Space Users (Tenants/Buyers). NEVER represent the interests of Landlords, Developers, or their underlying Lenders. A theoretical distinct, independent or autonomous tenant representation division of a full service real estate company is unacceptable. Zero tolerance.
Never offer any incentives to any party to secure representation assignments, and strictly avoid even the appearance of compromising the interests of any client in connection with seeking new client representation assignments.
Never violate the trust relationship of any tenant by attempting to sell any additional, non-tenant representation services such as architectural, construction management, furniture acquisition, etc. Any assistance provided to a tenant in these areas shall be gratuitous.
Never engage in any conduct under any circumstances, which is even arguably unethical or illegal. Never represent a client which does not adhere to these same absolute and immutable standards. If you are not sure whether something is unethical or illegal, it probably is. Do not participate. No wavering.
Do not think or act merely in transactional terms, but rather in a relationship based manner. Treat every client the same way that clients of fine, ethical law firms are treated. Always protect the client’s interests, regardless of whether or not an active assignment is currently under way.
Retain and protect each client’s proprietary information in absolute confidence. This means avoiding the temptation of giving interviews or obtaining other self-serving publicity at the expense of releasing sensitive client data.
Always place the interests of the client above your own and ensure that the absolute best and most competent resources are assigned to every task. For example, if there is a difficult subleasing assignment in a location where a third party firm or individual is more suited, recommend to the client that a superior alternative is available, and guide the client through the process without them incurring additional fees.
Never seek or accept the authority to commit the client to any transaction. The proper modus operandi is advice rather than authority.
When in doubt, over communicate and over disclose. There is no substitute for absolute trust, which once lost, can NEVER be recovered.
Never solicit or accept any commissions or other fees which are either above or below the then-existing market rates, and willingly disclose all fees offered to the Client. The fees earned should be your last thought (if that), not your first.